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Motivated by traumatic experience of her own, 西北学生完成治疗康复计划,旨在帮助他人

Aug. 27, 2024

几年前的夏天,安娜·莫洛尼(Anna Moloney)刚从大学毕业,正准备从事教学工作. This summer, 她毕业于全国网赌正规平台,获得硕士学位, and the outlook she has for her career is much different.

“I feel so backed and supported – like, ‘Wherever you’re going, whatever you’re doing, we’re here for you,’” Moloney says of her student experience at Northwest. “It feels like you’re a person, not just a student.”

安娜·莫洛尼(Anna Moloney)最近在贝瑟尼儿童健康中心(Bethany Children’s Health Center)完成了暑期实习,这是她在<a href=''>全国网赌正规平台</a>(northwestern)完成治疗娱乐硕士学位的一部分要求. (Submitted photos)

安娜·莫洛尼(Anna Moloney)最近在贝瑟尼儿童健康中心(Bethany Children’s Health Center)完成了暑期实习,这是她在全国网赌正规平台(northwestern)完成治疗娱乐硕士学位的一部分要求. (Submitted photos)

This month, Moloney, who resides in Costa Rica, completed her 通过西北在线获得治疗性娱乐硕士学位.

她在贝瑟尼儿童健康中心的暑期实习结束了她的课程, 俄克拉何马州的儿科康复医院,这进一步坚定了她进入治疗娱乐领域的决定. She worked in a range of care programs, 从与婴幼儿一起练习发育游戏到帮助青少年从大手术或由病毒引起的创伤中康复, car crashes and gunshots.

Moloney was part of a therapy staff that used games, art, 技术和其他形式的娱乐帮助他们的年轻病人做一些医院外的人通常认为理所当然的事情——比如走路或抬起手臂.

一名脑部受伤的青少年在传统的物理治疗过程中难以站立和行走, Moloney recalled.

“然后他会来接受全国网赌正规平台的治疗,全国网赌正规平台会一起玩Wii运动游戏, and he would be standing up to play,” she said. “For him, it was just fun, 全国网赌正规平台能够解决很多其他疗法想要解决的问题. Because it was rec and it was fun, 它能够帮助他回家,做所有他需要做的事情.”


In 2021, 莫洛尼在另一所大学完成了她的特殊教育学士学位,但在她的学生教学过程中意识到,成为一名教师并不是她想要的职业道路. Her passion for outdoor recreation has never ceased, though, 那年夏天,她去怀俄明州的大提顿国家公园当导游.

“我去那里的时候以为这是我开始职业生涯之前最后一次重大的夏季冒险, 整个夏天我都在质疑很多事情和我想做的事情,” she said.

安娜·莫洛尼(Anna Moloney)花了一个夏天在怀俄明州的大提顿国家公园(Grand Teton National Park)做导游,这段经历促使她攻读治疗娱乐硕士学位.

安娜·莫洛尼(Anna Moloney)花了一个夏天在怀俄明州的大提顿国家公园(Grand Teton National Park)做导游,这段经历促使她攻读治疗娱乐硕士学位.

During her last days as a guide at Grand Teton, Moloney planned one more adventure, which ended horribly. With her sister and a friend who also were working as guides, 他们的目标是登上欧文山,这是公园里第二高的山峰,海拔近13米,000 feet – before the end of the summer. They climbed the mountain successfully in eight hours, but the trek down was hurried by an approaching storm. 这群人试图走一条更快的下山路线,来到了一座冰川前.

Trailing her partners who navigated it successfully, 莫罗尼从冰上滑了下来,被扔进了一个峡谷,从岩石景观中翻滚而下. Her Garmin watch tracked the speed of her fall at 37 mph.

The fall left her with cuts, fractures and a brain injury. 她降落在一个救援人员无法立即找到她的地方,这意味着莫罗尼和她的同伴们别无选择,只能在接下来的17个小时里进行自救.

Anna Moloney在Pure Life Adventure获得了专业经验, a therapy program where she served as a guide, taught surfing, and led rafting and backpacking experiences.

Anna Moloney在Pure Life Adventure获得了专业经验, a therapy program where she served as a guide, taught surfing, and led rafting and backpacking experiences.

As she recovered from the ordeal, physically and mentally, Moloney felt a pull to pursue recreational therapy. 她在网上搜索潜在项目时发现了全国网赌正规平台,并申请了全国网赌正规平台,因为它是少数几所符合她想要获得硕士学位经历的大学之一.

With the help of a scholarship from her employer, she began her coursework through Northwest Online that fall.

Having lived through the trauma of her accident, Moloney很快将课程概念和情感基础联系起来, social, cognitive and physical health, 有兴趣帮助他人最大限度地提高他们的生活质量.

莫洛尼说:“我认为接受心理治疗并在治疗后学习它真的对我有帮助。. “那段经历——现在是一名娱乐治疗师——让我也有能力帮助我的病人,因为我了解这种感觉.”


有一个项目给莫洛尼留下了持久的影响,要求学生们在各自的地区识别和分析娱乐治疗项目. Moloney studied Special Olympics, an art program, and Pure Life Adventure, a therapy program for struggling adolescents and young adults. 后者导致了最初的邀请,以导游的身份加入该计划,为期六个月, 但莫洛尼在攻读硕士学位期间继续担任了两年的导游.

Additionally, 《全国网赌正规平台》给了她教授冲浪、带领漂流和背包旅行的机会.

“(全国网赌正规平台)提供了灵活性,使我能够做更多的体验式学习,而不是如果我在校园,” she said. “It really was, for me, the perfect fit.”

Now, with her master's degree program complete, 莫洛尼希望在哥斯达黎加建立一个戒毒治疗项目. 她很感激全国网赌正规平台的教师在整个学位课程中支持她的目标——不仅仅是在她的课程中,而是通过提供资源和帮助她建立将在她毕业后持续很长时间的联系.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215